Easel and Ink -The Wonderful Art Garden For Muslim Sisters
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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:52 pm

As salamu alaykum wa RahmatuLlah dear sisters,

I love photography! It makes me sometimes look differently at things, you get to look at the details and you will be amazed what a camera can capture; things which you maybe not notice when you have a first glance at things. I love nature photography, but also the city is a great place to find beautiful spots. I like quirky pictures and I love to fiddle around with my pictures to make little art projects of them.

Hope you'll enjoy looking at my pictures.

Wa salamu alaykum,
Maryam Umm Nuh (a.k.a. Maris)

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:55 pm

One of my favourite pictures; it's called 'Reflections' (I sometimes like to give my pics names) and was taken in a park in London.

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Reflections

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Fri Apr 30, 2010 2:59 pm

I love the beach and the sea!!! Some of the things you can find on the beach:

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Beachhuts

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Surfboards

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures BeachChairs

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Beachchairs-1

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:04 pm

On the cliffs in the south of the UK:

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures ViewcoastlineonBeachyHead

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures ViewoverEastbourne

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures CloudyReflections

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures BeachyHeadEastSussex

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures BeachyHeadLightHouse

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:52 pm

mashaa'Alah they are so beautiful.. you have really captured the places mashaAllah

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  ummmouhamed Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:03 pm

As-Salaamu alaikum

mashaAllah sister your pictures are beautiful
Just entering the garden
Just entering the garden

Registration date : 2009-05-03

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Zaza Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:42 pm

As-Salaamu alaikum

Masha Allah the pictures are beautiful. I love the beach/seaside ones.

barakAllahu feeki for sharing friends

Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Mabsoota Fri Apr 30, 2010 9:48 pm

As-Salaamu alaikum

Ahh, mashaAllah. I told you all she was good with the camera didn't I?!

These are so wonderfully atmospheric. I miss scenery like this. The beach ones are so vibrant! I love, love , love the Beachy Head one. Such a great angle. Do you have your work framed and displayed around your home?

Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:20 pm

As salamu alaykum wa RahmatuLlah dear sisters,

Thank you for your nice comments.
Sister Mabsoota I have not got my work displayed at home, but Insha'Allah tomorrow I am planning to buy some frames. I had some beautiful drawings from an artist which I want to frame and maybe I buy some small frames for some pictures, but I have not got that much space to hang pictures and/or I do not like to hang loads of things on the wall. I think one wall with small (vintage and new) frames in different types of colours and shapes would be nice.

Yesterday I was fiddling around with some pictures and got some nice effects. I think I will make some cards in this style for family abroad:

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures BIGBEN

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures LondonBigBen

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures TheLondonEye

Anybody who lives in or has visited London will recognise these scenes.

Wa salamu alaykum,

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Aisha Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:56 pm

As-Salaamu alaikum

MashaAllah great pics sister Maryam mashaAllah I love the refelections pic. May I ask what programme you use to edit or frame the pics?

Registration date : 2008-10-28

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  um-zakaria Sat May 01, 2010 12:18 am

salamu aleykum sister Maryam,

Me too i love the scenes from the beach, they seem so light and lightfull mashAllah!
I could also imagine a calendar, or agenda ...
Active Sister
Active Sister

Registration date : 2010-04-26

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Sat May 01, 2010 1:14 am

As salamu alaykum dear sisters,

Thank you for the nice comments.
Most of the photo editing (the frames) I do with my favourite free and easy editing program: Photoscape. You can download it for free at: www.photoscape.org

An other editing program which I recently have discovered online is: Picnik. You can get most of its features for free, but if you want to use some of its premium features you have to pay extra. However the free features are already very good and there are many of them. It also can integrate with websites like photobucket and flickr, which is really handy.
Visit the following link to have a try yourself: www.picnik.com

Wa salamu alaykum,

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Sat May 01, 2010 1:56 am

Some more sea and beach pictures:

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Seafordbeach

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures SeaWaves

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures ChalkCliffs

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Myfavouritehikingspot

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Sun May 09, 2010 5:46 pm

As-Salaamu alaikum

Stunning is how I can describe your photos Sister Maryam Umm Nuh! The way in which you capture the scenes make me want to journey to those places, Subhanallah

The white chalky cliffs, the blue waters, the sandy shores, the rocks, the pebbles, the lighthouse are all so vivid, mashaAllah The two oar boats sitting on the pebbly shore made me feel sort of sad and hopeful at the same time (if such a thing is possible).

jazakAllah khair for sharing these photos of your country! (Now I am itching to share some of my homeland as well, but they are not anywhere as professionally taken as yours! blush ).

Take care.

wa alaikumu salam

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Sun May 09, 2010 6:05 pm

As salamu alaykum wa RahmatuLlahi wa Barakatuhu,

Thank you sister Saara, for your kind words. My pictures are not professional either, so do not worry about posting any of your pictures. I would love to see them! When you take pictures it is a matter of looking for ways to catch the scenery in the best way - it is really not that difficult, especially when you see the beautiful creations of Allah, Subhana wa ta'ala, in nature.

Wa salamu alaykum,

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Sun May 09, 2010 6:09 pm

An other set of pictures:

Twist and Turn:
Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Twistandturn

Misty Morning:
Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Mistymorning

Foggy Road:
Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Foggyroad

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Sun May 09, 2010 6:11 pm

Made in a cottage garden:

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Discovery

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Englishcottagewindow

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Sun May 09, 2010 6:15 pm

English coast scenery.

Low Tide:
Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Lowtide

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures HastingsApril2009

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  talibiddeenjr Mon May 10, 2010 5:17 am

The pictures are wonderful.

Thanks for the links. My 14 year old daughter loves to take pictures as well and like you said, sometimes it is about catching a scene in that just right way. Ma sha Allah, she has a knack for that, even simple pictures of things in our yard, she'll get just that right angle and some of her pics, to me, look professional. In sha Allah, I will try to post some pics that she has taken here in UAE.

Again thank you for the links for the editng programs. We can't wait to try them. My daughter is excited about adding frames and captions and I am trying to set up some online photo albums for her to display her work. We recently took some beach pictures and I've seen a digital scrapbooking beach set so I hope we can play around with that and add elements to liven up the pics. I also like how you made some black and white.

Getting active
Getting active

Registration date : 2009-10-26

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Mon May 10, 2010 1:08 pm

As salamu alaykum wa RahmatuLlah,

You are welcome sister! Insha'Allah your daughter will like the programs. I don't think they are very difficult to use.
I hope you will post some of her pictures on the forum!

Wa salamu alaykum,

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Mon May 10, 2010 1:16 pm

I do have 'something' with doors. Even doors can be interesting! I love making pictures of doors, gates etc. The older they are the better, or very quirky and colourful. Here are some pics:

Very colourful:
Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Orangedoorsneilsyard

A set of doors from the very very old universities in Oxford. How many students and scholars have entered those buildings??? Oow, and funny detail is that most door openings are very small, you really have to mind your head! I guess people were much smaller centuries ago.
Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures OldGate

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures OxfordLibrary

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures OxfordUniVeryOldDoor

Last edited by Maryam Umm Nuh on Mon May 10, 2010 1:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Mon May 10, 2010 1:21 pm

What about fruits and vegtables? Also great for photography, especially if you look at the beautiful details in them.

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures OrganicApplesBoroughMarket

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Squashart

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures BeetArt

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Mon May 10, 2010 1:28 pm

These are taken on London's 'beach'!! (with low tide at Bankside next to the river Thames)

London's most wobbly bridge: Millenium Bridge, from a different perspective:
Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures UndertheMilleniumBridge

Low tide on the river Thames:
Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures BankSideBeachThames

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Mon May 10, 2010 1:31 pm

I loooooved the colours and details of these boats in Oxford:

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures OxfordColourfulboats

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Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures Empty Re: Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures

Post  Guest Mon May 10, 2010 1:37 pm

Hampton Court Palace, UK - where Henry VIII used to live (with his many wives):

Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures ArchHamptonCourtPalace

During sunset the colours became amazing:
Maryam Umm Nuh's Pictures HamptonCourtPalace

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