Easel and Ink -The Wonderful Art Garden For Muslim Sisters
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Easel and Ink's Ramadan Magazine 1434H - now released!

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Easel and Ink's Ramadan Magazine 1434H - now released! Empty Easel and Ink's Ramadan Magazine 1434H - now released!

Post  Aisha Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:24 pm

As-salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

Alhamdulilah the 2nd Issue of our Ramadan Mag is now ready! (click on the title or the pic to go to the link):

Easel and Ink's Ramadan Magazine 1434H  PDF file

 Easel and Ink's Ramadan Magazine 1434H - now released! Ramada15

We hope that you and your children have fun exploring the new magazine inshaAllah!
May you and your loved ones have a happy and blessed Ramadan.

WaSalaamu alaikum,
Aisha Om-AbdulRahman (on behalf of the Easel and Ink team)

Registration date : 2008-10-28

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