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Jumu'ah Naseehah - Social evils that are destroying Muslim communities - II

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Jumu'ah Naseehah - Social evils that are destroying Muslim communities - II Empty Jumu'ah Naseehah - Social evils that are destroying Muslim communities - II

Post  Aisha Fri Apr 11, 2014 6:30 pm

Jumu'ah Naseehah - Social evils that are destroying Muslim communities - II Animat10

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Jumu'ah Naseehah - Social evils that are destroying Muslim communities - II Duas_o11

Yawm Al-Jumu’ah starts from Maghrib (sunset) on Thursday till the end of Asr on Friday.

Let’s remember to send Salams and Salah upon the Prophet (Sallallahu 'Alayhi wa Sallam) and to recite Surah Al-Kahf (18) (the Cave)

Audio Recitation by: Sheikh Salah Bukhatir

Jumu'ah Naseehah - Social evils that are destroying Muslim communities - II Blueradio

Click on the radio to listen to the recitation.

This Week's Jumu'ah Naseehah from Islamweb:

Severing ties with kinfolk: The most important of kinfolk are one's parents, and yet we find many people dealing with them in an inappropriate manner or even severing ties with them altogether. As for those who do try to fulfil the needs of their parents, many of them do it begrudgingly, while expressing discontent or complaining that it is a burden upon them. This is in spite of the fact that Allaah The Almighty commands us to not say even the least expression of discontent in this regard, saying (what means): {“…Say not to them [so much as] 'Uff,' and do not repel them but speak to them a noble word.”} [Quran, 17’: 23]

Social evils that are destroying Muslim communities - II

Registration date : 2008-10-28

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