Easel and Ink -The Wonderful Art Garden For Muslim Sisters
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Ramadan Magazines (printables)

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Ramadan Magazines (printables) Empty Ramadan Magazines (printables)

Post  Aisha Sat Jun 27, 2015 1:30 am


 pompoms  Shout  The Easel and Ink team are happy to present their three Ramadan Magazines  pompoms  Shout 

Latest Issue:

Ramadan Magazines (printables) Button10

Our previous 2 issues:
Ramadan Mag 1434H/2013

Ramadan Magazines (printables) Button10

Ramadan Mag 1433H/2012

Ramadan Magazines (printables) Button10

We hope that you and your children have fun exploring the magazines Insha Allah!

We would appreciate comments, suggestions, criticisms or any feedback to improve on our magazines in the coming years.

Email us directly: the3wonderfuls@yahoo.co.uk

May you and your loved ones have a happy and blessed Ramadan.

The Easel and Ink Team

Registration date : 2008-10-28

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Ramadan Magazines (printables) Empty Re: Ramadan Magazines (printables)

Post  Zaza Thu Jun 09, 2016 6:10 pm

As-Salaamu alaikum

Individual sheets from our Ramadan Magazine can be download from our Pinterest Board.



Registration date : 2008-10-29

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