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Jumu'ah Nasiha -Conditions of Victory, Reasons for Defeat

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Jumu'ah Nasiha -Conditions of Victory, Reasons for Defeat Empty Jumu'ah Nasiha -Conditions of Victory, Reasons for Defeat

Post  Aisha Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:11 am

Jumu'ah Nasiha -Conditions of Victory, Reasons for Defeat Asw1

Don’t forget to click on Full Reading to view our Selection for this week.

Jumu'ah Nasiha -Conditions of Victory, Reasons for Defeat 08-jum-expiation3

Yawm Al-Jumu’ah starts from Maghrib (sunset) on Thursday till the end of Asr on Friday.

Audio Recitation by: Sheikh Salah Bukhatir

Jumu'ah Nasiha -Conditions of Victory, Reasons for Defeat Blueradio

Click on the radio to listen to the recitation.

This Week’s Selection

Conditions of Victory, Reasons for Defeat

Waleed Al-Mineesi

1)     Conditions for victory and reasons for defeat.
2)     The miserable predicament of the contemporary Muslims.
3)     Muslim rulers and leaders will behave towards their subjects as they behave towards Allaah.
4)      A severe warning against discarding prayer.


Registration date : 2008-10-28

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