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Of All People (Part 1)

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Of All People (Part 1) Empty Of All People (Part 1)

Post  Munaqaba08 Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:46 pm

As-Salaamu alaikum

This is a short story that I wrote for Easel and Ink. It's not too long but not too short so insha'Allah, I'll post it in pieces.

Of All People

©️2009 Umm An-Nu’man

No part of this story may be copied in whole or in part, by any means, electronic or otherwise, without written consent from the author. No part of the story may be stored in a retrieval system without written consent from the author.

David Duvall was not a bright man. He had dull, distant eyes and an even duller mind. His slow wit was outdone only by his appalling ignorance of the world around him. For David, the world consisted of fast cars that he would never be able to afford and video games that he spent the majority of his small paychecks on. His mother frequently berated him about this fact each time she asked him when he would finally move out of her basement. David, being David, had learned to shut her out and his eyes would glaze over as he stared lovingly at the combat characters that danced crazily across the TV screen. Once in a while his mother’s shouting would penetrate his thick skull and one of his men would die because he would lose his already fragile concentration trying to simultaneously focus on the TV and his mother’s voice, and in doing so he would forget to hit the correct button on his control pad. Then David Duvall would commit one of the most heinous acts imaginable: he would throw whatever lay closest to him at his mother. Thank God David’s aim was as uncoordinated as his intellect or else his mother may have ended up at the hospital more times than she cared to imagine.

David Duvall. This is the man that changed Basil Steelburn’s life forever.

Basil Steelburn was exactly where he wanted to be in life. He had a great job with one of London’s largest business firms, he was making over two hundred thousand pounds annually, and his fiancé was intelligent and beautiful. As he sat in his new BMW Z4 Roadster happily reflecting on how great life was, he was unprepared, and more than a little agitated, when the car behind him rear-ended him. It was just a tap really but still it was a BMW and Basil’s blood pressure rose quickly. Ignoring the steady London drizzle, Basil jumped out of his car ready to confront the idiot who had rear-ended him but he stopped short when he beheld the curious scene that was unfolding before him.

To be continued insha'Allah...

Last edited by Aisha on Wed Dec 08, 2010 5:57 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : to pin the topic)

Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Of All People (Part 1) Empty Re: Of All People (Part 1)

Post  Zaza Fri Mar 27, 2009 6:19 pm

As Salamu Alaikum

Masha Allah a suspense story. cool

Looking forward to the next part.

Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Of All People (Part 1) Empty Re: Of All People (Part 1)

Post  Amina Al-Bateeka Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:46 pm

As-Salaamu alaikum

Very suspenseful!! Keep it up, sis! I'm looking forward to the rest of it...

By the way, I have a story called "Through the Clear Windows" which has a similar kinda angle....I may post it later ;)
Amina Al-Bateeka
Amina Al-Bateeka
Active Sister
Active Sister

Registration date : 2008-11-13

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Of All People (Part 1) Empty Re: Of All People (Part 1)

Post  Munaqaba08 Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:46 pm

wa alaikumu salam

yes sis Amina...post it insha'Allah! Two suspense stories ooo...hehe I like it! hehe Insha'Allah, I'll post part two this weekend but in a different post (since the sisters said they don't always see new posts inside of old ones wink ).

Registration date : 2008-10-29

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Of All People (Part 1) Empty Re: Of All People (Part 1)

Post  Zaza Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:09 pm

As Salamu Alaikum

O yes sister Amina please post it.........two suspense stories, we can call it "Suspense Stories Week at Easel and Ink." hehe wink

Registration date : 2008-10-29

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