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A Prophet and A Craft

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A Prophet and A Craft Empty A Prophet and A Craft

Post  Guest Thu Jul 29, 2010 8:11 am

Nowadays, we are making activities from this book with my son. In the book, there are short stories of some prophets and there is a craft for each. After you tell your child stories of prophets or reading together from a book, you can make these activities.

A Prophet and A Craft Zirh
This craft is about Prophet Dawood who made the first armor. After telling his story you can make this craft with your child. First from a construction paper, you make something like vest. Then glue on it some metal beads.

A Prophet and A Craft Sepet02
This craft is about Prophet Moosa who was carried in a basket on the Nile. Using a small box, first you made a basket and cover with a brown construction paper every side of the basket. Then you glue nutshells on the paper.

A Prophet and A Craft Terazi
This craft is about Prophet Shu'aib whose people did not give just measure and weight. You can make a scale after telling his story. Make three holes for each plastic bowl. Tie them to a child clothe hanger. You can show him how to measure with the scale and try to balance it. (You can measure his small toys, some pulses etc.

A Prophet and A Craft Gemi
This is Prophet Nooh's ark. First on a blue construction paper, draw a boat shape. Then glue some spaghetti on the shape and cloth buttons. For the clouds glue some cotton.

As we make crafts about prophets I will go on publishing them insa'Allah.

Last edited by ayseara on Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:14 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I changed colour of the word for link.)

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A Prophet and A Craft Empty Re: A Prophet and A Craft

Post  Kish Thu Jul 29, 2010 11:23 am

As-Salaamu alaikum
May Allah make easy your affairs!


I'm sure thhe crafts help the children to remember the stories of the Prophets better

mashaAllah litepinkrose
Active Sister
Active Sister

Registration date : 2010-02-18

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A Prophet and A Craft Empty Book name

Post  Guest Mon Nov 01, 2010 8:14 pm

As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

MashaAllah the crafts look really nice and fun too. Is the name of the book A Prophet and a Craft? I tried googling that but couldn't find it. Please let me know inshaAllah. JazakiAllah khair.

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A Prophet and A Craft Empty Re: A Prophet and A Craft

Post  Zaza Tue Nov 02, 2010 11:14 am

As-Salaamu alaikum

mashaAllah I think this is sister Ayseara idea which she shared with us. pinkflower

I don't think you will find a book on it. wink

Registration date : 2008-10-29

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A Prophet and A Craft Empty Re: A Prophet and A Craft

Post  Guest Wed Nov 03, 2010 12:12 pm

Fajr wrote:As salaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu,

MashaAllah the crafts look really nice and fun too. Is the name of the book A Prophet and a Craft? I tried googling that but couldn't find it. Please let me know inshaAllah. JazakiAllah khair.

Yes, there's a book named "Hunerli Eller", but it'is in Turkish. If you click on "this book" (in my first post about this topic) you can see the book.
JazakAllah Khair

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A Prophet and A Craft Empty Re: A Prophet and A Craft

Post  Zaza Wed Nov 03, 2010 1:07 pm

As-Salaamu alaikum

Masha Allah there is a book

JazakiAllah sister Ayseara for sharing it with us. Love

Registration date : 2008-10-29

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