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Jumu'ah Nasiha - The essential pillars of marital life

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Jumu'ah Nasiha - The essential pillars of marital life Empty Jumu'ah Nasiha - The essential pillars of marital life

Post  Zaza Thu Sep 19, 2013 8:05 pm

Jumu'ah Nasiha - The essential pillars of marital life Salaam10

Jumu'ah Nasiha - The essential pillars of marital life Jumuah11

Yawm Al-Jumu’ah starts from Maghrib (sunset) on Thursday till the end of Asr on Friday.

Audio Recitation by: Sheikh Salah Bukhatir

Jumu'ah Nasiha - The essential pillars of marital life Blueradio

Click on the radio to listen to the recitation or click here.

Jumu'ah Nasiha - The essential pillars of marital life Divide10

The essential pillars of marital life


Marital happiness is a dream that all husbands and wives have had since the beginning of time and many spouses are still trying to fulfill this dream through all possible means. Nevertheless, being away from the true teachings of Islam and sound prophetic guidance has led them to confusion between the different means: Western and Eastern. However, when one returns to the Sunnah of the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) he will inevitably reach his goal. Allaah The Almighty has granted success to one of the callers to Allaah to compile the pillars of the marital life, which are:


Registration date : 2008-10-29

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